We are sure you have realized this by now, but exercise is only part of the equation. We hope that throughout the month, you have started eating 4 – 5 small meals a day, adding high quality protein to every meal, and leaning away from fried foods, sugars and starches…right?!. If you haven’t made these changes…then we are sure you have become well acquainted with methods to begin!
The instructors try to make suggestions and offer up ways to change your eating habits, but if you don’t mix up what you are eating, you may go back to some of your old habits. For most people, eating the same thing every day causes them to get bored and they become less conscientious of what they are eating.
Your food choices throughout the day really do affect how you feel during exercise. So make sure you are using your log book and are bringing it to camp for the instructors to check.
If you need some more suggestions as to what to eat, here is a Rialto Wellness approved meal plan.
Breakfast – Oatmeal with blueberries or Your favorite fruit for extra protein
Snack – Apple & string cheese
Lunch – Salad with grilled chicken
Snack – Carrots and almonds or hummus or Cravers Bar
Dinner – Small steak, green beans and Spinach
You don’t have to stop going to restaurants or picking up something quick and easy.
Just be aware of what you are eating and plan ahead so you can start making changes. Are you in the car a lot? Grab a Cravers bar or yogurt parfait instead of a burger and fries from a fast food restaurant. Or carry a cooler with you.
Just like on the boot camp blog, a nutrition blog is posted. You can get some great ideas for different meals so you’re not stuck eating the same thing every day. Do you already have a favorite snack or meal? Post it to the comments. We all like suggestions for new things to try!
Have A Fit Day!
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